Driving SMMEs to Digital Transformation


Power of going Digital

SMMEs are the backbone and most innovative source of growth in the South African economy. The sense of urgency to implement digital elements into your marketing strategy needs to be recognised and executed. If you are looking to remain competitive and propel growth with technology within your business, it is important to understand the components of digital transitioning through digital platforms.

The digital and innovative advantage for SMMEs to embrace would be to face adversity. Many businesses have started transitioning to digital platforms, this is one of the multiple viable solutions for a business to survive in this pandemic. There are hundreds of small businesses in South Africa who don’t know where to begin in the digital migration, Many have started on the simple methods by creating social media presence, and creating a medium for customers or clients to communicate with the business in a convenient format, allowing for the businesses to build a relationship with the customer. Retaining your customer base is a vital goal to reach.
Overall, there are ways in which your business can implement digital marketing to put leverage over the challenges caused by the pandemic.

Out with the Old and In with the New

The Trend Score 2020 Report presents accurate and exceptional statistics that could be of use for business organisations in South Africa. According to the BusinessTech article, the drops in spend per medium during the year were as follows:


Based on the above statistics, it is distinctive that digital will remain the top marketing channel for South African SMMEs to look into and grow their businesses for this year. Most SMMEs would need to source out a service from another business to kickstart their digital migration. Here at Retrolex Consultancy, we offer a variety of solutions to switch up innovation by assisting businesses and brands with their digital migration. Our digital service offerings range from Brand Communication Digital Strategies, Digital and Social media Campaigns, to Website, App and Software Development and Management.


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